Results for 'José Luis Pro'

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  1. ELEna : an interdisciplinary research.Diego Jiménez, José Luis Pro, Francisco José Salguero & José Francisco Quesada - 2020 - In Jens S. Allwood, Olga Pombo, Clara Renna & Giovanni Scarafile, Controversies and interdisciplinarity: beyond disciplinary fragmentation for a new knowledge model. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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    Sobre historiografía filosófica y filosofía de la historia de la filosofía.José Luis Cañas Fernández - 1999 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 16:249-257.
    Un método de investigación en historia de la filosofía basado en las estructuras conceptuales parte del supuesto de que las doctrinas filosóficas, en autores y épocas diversas, se relacionan en función de semejanzas y diferencias, no tanto por motivos puramente históricos (sucesión de sistemas) o textuales (declaraciones expresas de los auto res), cuanto por las relaciones que guardan entre sí las estructuras en que se organizan los conceptos que las constituyen. Las estrucuras concep tuales de las filosofías se articulan en (...)
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    Convivencia religiosa y periculum fidei. Contribución de la escolástica salmantina a un debate global.José Luis Egío García - 2025 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 27:25-43.
    El presente artículo presenta la intensa y compleja reflexión que la convivencia entre cristianos y diversos tipos de ‘infieles’, judíos y musulmanes en la España tardomevial, a los que se añadirán paganos, herejes, apóstatas y ateos en la Primera Modernidad, suscitó en algunos de los principales escolásticos salmantinos. Tras una breve mirada a obras tardo-medievales como la Summa theologiae de Tomás de Aquino, un punto de referencia inexcusable para la tradición escolástica hispánica, o el Capistrum iudaeroum de Raimundo Martí, se (...)
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    Corporation as a Crucial Ally Against Corruption.Reyes Calderón, José Luis Álvarez-Arce & Silvia Mayoral - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (S1):319-332.
    Manuscript type Empirical. Research question/issue This paper aims to contribute to an improved theoretical and empirical understanding of the role that corporation has to play in anticorruption efforts. Research findings/insights Using cross-country data from three databases (Bribe Payers Index, Corruption Perceptions Index, and Doing Business) we found that pro-bribery Investment Climate conditions in host countries are not related to the payments of bribes by multinational companies when these corporations operate abroad. Theoretical/academic implications After describing the conceptual and policy framework that (...)
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    Republicanismo y dominación. Una crítica a Philip Pettit.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 2002 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 27:73-87.
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    Legislación de la responsabilidad social empresarial (Legislation of corporate social responsibility).Julema Rodríguez & José Luis Abreu - 2009 - Daena 4 (2):188-228.
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    Sobre Los supuestos teóricos de la forma de ensayo (montaigne Y pscal).José Luis Rodríguez García - 1999 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 18:85-98.
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    Gabriel Marcel: filósofo, dramaturgo y compositor.José Luis Cañas - 1998 - Madrid: Palabra.
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    La filosofía como producto mediterráneo.José Luis Abellán - 2007 - Valencia: Institució Alfons el Magnànim.
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    Panorama de la filosofía española actual: una situación escandalosa.José Luis Abellán - 1978 - Madrid: Espasa-Calpe.
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    Las formas políticas de la Grecia arcaica a la luz de los factores socio-económicos.Andrés Espinosa Alarcón & José Luis Pérez Iriarte - 1965 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 19:113-140.
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  12. Presentación.José Luis Ventura Medina - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 19 (34).
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  13. Los derechos humanos Y la educacion.José Luis Salcedo Ortiz de Montellano - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 58:129.
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  14. Autenticidad y ambigüedad.José Luis Molinuevo Martínez de Bujo - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1:269-284.
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  15. La tecnología en el ámbito de la ética: El enfoque de hans jonas.Jose Luis Hidalgo Zan - 2007 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 47 (2):307-323.
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    Una idea-guía liberadora.José Luis San Miguel de Pablos - 2022 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 78 (298 S. Esp):635-651.
    La crisis multidimensional por la que atraviesa actualmente la humanidad coloca en primer plano la cuestión, más que de «la salida de la crisis», de la superación de los condicionamientos negativos que han conducido a ella. Más allá de las causas próximas reconocibles se hallan las apuestas paradigmáticas, la Weltanschauung dominante que inspira las conductas erróneas. En el artículo se sostiene que a la metafísica materialista —que el autor distingue del ateísmo—, en tanto que idea-guía principal de la modernidad, corresponde (...)
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    Justicia social y sínodos diocesanos de Lima. Fiestas de guardar y descanso laboral.José Luis Fernández Cadavid - 2016 - Salmanticensis 63 (3):41-479.
    La primera de las virtudes sociales es la justicia. Una ley o institución que no se ajuste a la misma, debe ser reformada o abolida. En el siglo XVI, en la archidiócesis de Lima se emitió abundante legislación canónica que concernía de manera particular al indígena. Puesto que las leyes de la Iglesia ejercían un influjo directo sobre la vida del ciudadano tanto o más que las civiles, en este artículo se analizarán los cánones de los tres primeros Sínodos diocesanos (...)
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  18. Diálogos de la dignidad del hombre: libertad y concordia.José Luis Fuertes Herreros, Ángel Poncela González, Manuel Lázaro Pulido & Mª Idoya Zorroza (eds.) - 2022 - Sindéresis.
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  19. El tardío pesimismo metafísico de Horkheimer.José Luis Molinuevo Martínez de Bujo - 1987 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 1:115-126.
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    El entusiasmo de la Revolución. Sobre la filiación kantiana del último Foucault.José Luís López de Lizaga - 2019 - Agora 38 (1).
    Este artículo se pregunta si los últimos escritos de Foucault, pertenecientes ya a la década de 1980, superan el déficit normativo que autores como Nancy Fraser o Jürgen Habermas habían criticado en la obra foucaultiana anterior. Y se argumenta que los últimos textos siguen siendo vulnerables a esas críticas, a pesar del giro hacia la cuestión ética del “cuidado de sí” y a pesar de la reivindicación del legado kantiano e ilustrado. En esta argumentación, la comparación de las ideas de (...)
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    Constitución y dislocación: el giro lingüístico en Jacques Derrida.José Luis López de Lizaga - 2020 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 76 (289):229-250.
    Este artículo examina los argumentos de Jacques Derrida contra la fenomenología de Husserl y a favor de la tesis principal del giro lingüístico: la tesis de que no hay pensamiento sin lenguaje. A continuación se defiende que la disolución derridiana de la subjetividad en el lenguaje no es la consecuencia de afirmar el giro lingüístico como tal, sino del modelo de lenguaje que adopta y radicaliza Derrida: el modelo estructuralista de Ferdinand de Saussure. Finalmente, partiendo de las objeciones de Ricoeur (...)
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    Editorial: Advances in Sport Science: Latest Findings and New Scientific Proposals.Rubén Maneiro, José Luís Losada, Claudio A. Casal, Sophia Papadopoulou, Hugo Sarmento, Antonio Ardá, Xavier Iglesias & Mario Amatria - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    De viajes y naufragios.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 1996 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 12:121-130.
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    Esferas de acción y sistema filosófico. El carácter imprescindible de la metáfora.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 2001 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 24:111-126.
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    Racionalización y evolución: Teoría e historia de la Modernidad en la obra de Habermas.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 1989 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 1:177-216.
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    Cuando el Palacio era el Museo Real. La Colección Real de Pintura en el Palacio Real de Madrid organizada por Mengs, y la Description des Tableaux du Palais de S.M.C, por Frédéric Quilliet (1808). [REVIEW]José Luis Sancho Gaspar - 2001 - Arbor 169 (665):83-141.
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    Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 210/2012, de 14 de noviembre: Comentario a cargo de José Luis Martín Moreno.José Luis Martín Moreno - 2012 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 2:71 - 99.
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    Ethical and Legal Implications of Third-Party Incentives to Win Matches in European Football.José Luis Pérez Triviño, Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Michael John McNamee - 2021 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (1):66-80.
    In this paper, we examine the legal case involving the Court of Arbitration of Sport, the Union of European Football Associations, and the Turkish team Eskişehirspor to analyze the leg...
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  29. The cognitive neuroscience of primitive self-consciousness.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2000 - Psycoloquy 11 (35).
    Myin, Erik (2000) Direct Self-Consciousness (2)Bermúdez, José Luis (2000) Concepts and the Priority Principle (10)Bermúdez, José Luis (2000) Circularity, "I"-Thoughts and the Linguistic Requirement for Concept Possession (11)Meeks, Roblin R. (2000) Withholding Immunity: Misidentification, Misrepresentation, and Autonomous Nonconceptual Proprioceptive First-Person Content (12)Newen, Albert (2001) Kinds of Self-Consciousness (13)Bermudez, Jose Luis (2000) Direct Self-Consciousness (4)Bermudez, Jose Luis (2000) Prelinguistic Self-Consciousness (5)Gallese, Vittorio (2000) The Brain and the Self: Reviewing the Neuroscientific Evidence (6)Bermudez, Jose Luis (2000) The (...)
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    Practical Values and Uncertainty in Regulatory Decision‐making.José Luis Luján, Javier Rodríguez Alcázar & Oliver Todt - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (4):349-362.
    Regulatory science, which generates knowledge relevant for regulatory decision?making, is different from standard academic science in that it is oriented mainly towards the attainment of non?epistemic (practical) aims. The role of uncertainty and the limits to the relevance of academic science are being recognized more and more explicitly in regulatory decision?making. This has led to the introduction of regulation?specific scientific methodologies in order to generate decision?relevant data. However, recent practical experience with such non?standard methodologies indicates that they, too, may be (...)
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  31. The Paradox of Self-Consciousness: Representation and Mind.José Luis Bermúdez - 1998 - MIT Press.
    "The book presents in accessible fashion recent important work on the self and self-consciousness and also moves the issues forward with interesting new ideas. It provides a notably crisp and clear treatment of some extremely intriguing topics." -- Jane Heal, Department of Philosophy, University of Cambridge In this book, José Luis Bermú dez addesses two fundamental problems in the philosophy and psychology of self-consciousness: (1) Can we provide a noncircular account of fully fledged self-conscious thought and language in terms (...)
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  32. Thinking without words.Jose Luis Bermudez - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Thinking Without Words provides a challenging new theory of the nature of non-linguistic thought. Jose Luis Bermudez offers a conceptual framework for treating human infants and non-human animals as genuine thinkers. The book is written with an interdisciplinary readership in mind and will appeal to philosophers, psychologists, and students of animal behavior.
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  33. Art and Morality.José Luis Bermúdez & Sebastian Gardner (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Routledge.
    _Art and Morality_ is a collection of groundbreaking new papers on the theme of aesthetics and ethics, and the link between the two subjects. A group of distinguished contributors tackle the important questions that arise when one thinks about the moral dimensions of art and the aesthetic dimension of moral life. The volume is a significant contribution to philosophical literature, opening up unexplored questions and shedding new light on more traditional debates in aesthetics. The topics explored include: the relation of (...)
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  34. El matrimonio en Cristo y en la Iglesia segun San Agustin.José Luis Larrabe - 1987 - Ciudad de Dios 200 (2-3):411-440.
  35. Ley y gracia según Santo Tomás (La Libertad de los hijos de Dios).José Luis Larrabe - 1997 - Studium 37 (2):235-280.
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  36. Ministros del Evangelio, Los Obispos (Tema de un nuevo Sinodo-2001).José Luis Larrabe - 2001 - Studium 41 (3):365-380.
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    Metafísica y Literatura: una mirada al poniente.José Luis Gavilanes Laso - 1987 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 14:261-276.
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    Strategic vs. Parametric choice in Newcomb’s Problem and the Prisoner’s Dilemma: Reply to Walker.José Luis Bermúdez - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):787-794.
    In Bermúdez 2013 I argued against David Lewis’s well-known and widely accepted claim that Newcomb’s problem and the prisoner’s dilemma are really notational variants of a single problem. Mark Walker’s paper in this journal takes issue with my argument. In this note I show how Walker’s criticisms are misplaced. The problems with Walker’s argument point to more general and independently interesting conclusions about, first, the relation between deliberation and decision and, second, the differences between the prisoner’s dilemma, which is a (...)
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    The Creation of Value Through Corporate Reputation.José Luis Fernández Sánchez & Ladislao Luna Sotorrío - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (3):335-346.
    The relationship between social and financial performance (CSP – FP) has been a main objective in the literature on business management, as it would provide an economic justification for the social investment insofar as it contributes to the creation of value. This relationship has been empirically tested by several authors though without using a theoretical model that sustains this relationship. The aim of this article is to propose a theoretical model of the process of the creation of value from the (...)
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  40. Rational framing effects: A multidisciplinary case.José Luis Bermúdez - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e220.
    Frames and framing make one dimension of a decision problem particularly salient. In the simplest case, framesprimeresponses (as in, e.g., the Asian disease paradigm, where the gain frame primes risk-aversion and the loss frame primes risk-seeking). But in more complicated situations frames can function reflectively, by making salient particular reason-giving aspects of a thing, outcome, or action. For Shakespeare's Macbeth, for example, his feudal commitments are salient in one frame, while downplayed in another in favor of his personal ambition. The (...)
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  41. The Body and the Self.José Luis Bermúdez, Anthony Marcel & Naomi Eilan (eds.) - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Table of Contents Acknowledgments 1 Self-Consciousness and the Body: An Interdisciplinary Introduction by Naomi Eiland, Anthony Marcel and José Luis Bermúdez 2 The Body Image and Self-Consciousness by John Campbell 3 Infants’ Understanding of People and Things: From Body Imitation to Folk Psychology by Andrew N. Meltzoff and M. Keith Moore 4 Persons, Animals, and Bodies by Paul F. Snowdon 5 An Ecological Perspective on the Origins of Self by George Butterworth 6 Objectivity, Causality, and Agency by Thomas Baldwin (...)
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    Call for papers mill2014: Tercer Seminario Internacional de Estudios Utilitaristas SIEU.José Luis Tasset - 2011 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 18 (1):331-335.
    3rd SIEU International Seminar on Utilitarian Studies.
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  43. Nonconceptual Content: From Perceptual Experience to Subpersonal Computational States.José Luis Bermúdez - 1995 - Mind and Language 10 (4):333-369.
    Philosophers have often argued that ascriptions of content are appropriate only to the personal level states of folk psychology. Against this, this paper defends the view that the familiar propositional attitudes and states defined over them are part of a larger set of cognitive proceses that do not make constitutive reference to concept possession. It does this by showing that states with nonconceptual content exist both in perceptual experience and in subpersonal information-processing systems. What makes these states content-involving is their (...)
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    Pluralism and consensus in deliberative democracy.José Luis Martí - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (5):556-579.
    A central discussion in the theory of deliberative democracy in recent decades has focused on whether democratic deliberation, and consequently those participating in it, should aim, at least ideally, for political consensus. Thus, pluralist deliberative democrats have criticized the consensualist approach to deliberative democracy for neglecting the moral importance of political disagreement because of their fixation with reaching consensus. The debate between these two positions, initiated in the 1990s, has evolved in recent years toward more precision and sophistication. However, some (...)
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    El cuerpo sin órganos: presentación de Gilles Deleuze.José Luis Pardo - 2011 - Valencia: Pre-Textos.
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    Stakeholder Theory Through the Lenses of Catholic Social Thought.Jose Luis Retolaza, Ricardo Aguado & Leire Alcaniz - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):969-980.
    Beyond different starting points, stakeholder theory and Catholic Social Thought share many compatible perspectives when analyzing the role of the firm in economic activity, especially regarding the attention of the firm to different social and economic actors. Additionally, ST bears limitations regarding its ethical and anthropological foundation, and also about the legitimation of the different stakeholders’ interests. Therefore, ST lacks clear criteria to solve possible conflicts of interest between stakeholders. This paper analyzes the potentiality of ST, widely accepted in corporate (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Domain of Folk Psychology.José Luis Bermúdez - 2003 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 53:25-48.
    My topic in this paper is social understanding. By this I mean the cognitive skills underlying social behaviour and social coordination. Normal, encultured, non-autistic and non-brain-damaged human beings are capable of an impressive degree of social coordination. We navigate the social world with a level of skill and dexterity fully comparable to that which we manifest in navigating the physical world. In neither sphere, one might think, would it be a trivial matter to identify the various competences which underly this (...)
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  48. Naturalized Sense Data.José Luis Bermúdez - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 61 (2):353-374.
    This paper examines and defends the view that the immediate objects of visual perception, or what are often called sense data, are parts of the facing surfaces of physical objects-the naturalized sense data (NSD) theory. Occasionally defended in the literature on the philosophy of perception, most famously by G. E. Moore (1918-1919), it has not proved popular and indeed was abandoned by Moore himself. The contemporary situation in the philosophy of perception seems ripe for a revaluation of the NSD theory. (...)
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    Recepción de Ireneo en el siglo XII.José Luis Narvaja - 2020 - Augustinianum 60 (1):209-229.
    The study of the reception of Irenaeus of Lyons in the Liber de sectis hereticorum of Baldwin of Canterbury (+ 1191) illuminates three aspects of the author’s context: (1) the theological and ecclesial context (the problem of Catharism and of Nihilism); (2) the context of the libraries in which Baldwin could have read the Adversus Haereses; (3) the context of the manuscript tradition of the Adversus Haereses. Here a study of the titles of the chapters and of the textual variants (...)
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    El fin ¿justifica los medios? Algunas consideraciones acerca de la acción moral neutra.José Luis Widow - 2010 - Filosofia Unisinos 11 (3):244-260.
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